Trusted Partners
- Southern Posh Events
- 912-294-3973
- see on Facebook / Sheree
- Warthen Lane Florist
- 478-552-7722
- warthenlane@yahoo.com / Al Woods
- Cottage Flowers
- 912-268-2307
- www.cottageflowersbygay.com
- Edward on St. Simons
- 912-638-7323
- www.edwardonstsimons.com
- Penny Hawk
- www.pennyhawkphotographyco.com
- Studio Pixel Pop
- 912-265-9484
- www.studiopixelpop.com
- Brooke Roberts
- 912-223-8442
- www.brookerobertsphotography.com
- Isaac and Amanda
- www.isaacandamanda.com
- iMint Media
- 904-701-0201
- www.imintmedia.com
- Savannah Vintage Event Rental
- 912-856-1862
- www.saveventrentals.com
- Beachview Rentals
- 912-510-3800
- www.beachview.net
- Amelia Event Rentals
- 912-674-5709
- www.ameliaeventrentals.com
- Ranco Event Rentals
- 912-944-6200
- kwayner@rancotents.com
- Real Escapes Properties
- www.realescapesproperties.com
- St. Simons Island Beach Rentals
- www.stsimonsislandbeachrentals.com
- Lighthouse Vacations
- www.lighthousevacations.com
- I DO CAKES, Mary Ann Daniels
- 912-270-2085
- www.I-DO-CAKES.com
- Cathy Huber Cakes
- 912-580-1025
- www.cathyhubercakes.com
- Betty Zeigler
- 912-399-3307
- see on Facebook
- Serendipity
- 912-882-2253
- see on Facebook
- MVP Band (Torrance Scott)
- 269-719-6855
- www.bookece.com/artists/mvp torrancescott@gmail.com
- Unique Sound Band (Eric Wright)
- www.uniquesoundband.com. uniquesoundband@gmail.com
- Jaime W. Rowell (Agent)
- 912-996-0243
- www.goldenislesentertainmentgroup.com
- The Shimmer Band (Jay Hardie)
- www.shimmerentertainment.com. jay@shimmerentertainment.com
Custom Printing
- Somersault Letterpress
- 570-243-9557
- www.somersaultletterpress.com
- Lighthouse Trolleys
- 912-638-3333
- www.lighthousetrolleys.com
- Martin’s Vintage Rides
- 912-617-1310
- www.martinvintagerides.com
- St. Simons Trolley
- 912-638-8954
- www.stsimonstours.com
- Southern Belle
- 843-441-9771
- www.southernbellebymarianoel.com
- Pamper, Polish & Primp
- 478-290-5163
- https://www.pamperpolishprimp.com
- Coastal Glam
- 912-771-6720
- gacoastalglam@gmail.com
- Pink Pineapples Party
- 478-290-5163
- www.pinkpineappllesparty.com
- The Needle
- 706-726-7276
- info@wearetheneedle.com
- Island Sound
- 877-634-7725
- www.islandsoundlive.com
- Pegge Ealum
- 904-705-8248
- pegge@musicbypegge.com
- Chris Smith
- 912-399-5434
- ssipianomaestro@yahoo.com
- Michael Houston
- 843-476-3341
- www.facebook.com/mdhviolin
- Cathy Hillis
- 703-431-6877
- Caroline Stroud
- 478-390-2134
Ministers / Officiants
- Rev. Wright Culpepper
- 912-265-4313
- Chris O’Donnell – Magistrate Court
- 912-262-9232
- Charlie Bass
- 828-342-1545
- 1952csbass@gmail.com
- Archbishop Sean Alexander
- 954-465-0398
- salender@archsh.org
- St. Simons Elopements
- 912-506-0377
- carla.pryor@yahoo.com
Marriage License Information/Judges for Ceremonies
- Glynn County Probate Court
- 912-554-7231
Golf Cart Rentals
- Island Carts | St. Simons Island, GA | Golf Carts & Bike Rentals|
- www.islandcarts4rent.com
- High Tide Carts Golf Cart Rental
- www.hightidecarts.com/contact
- Kustom Kart Rentals
- www.kustomkartrentalandrepair.com
- Golf Cart Rentals | Golden Coast Golf Carts | St. Simons Island, GA
- www.goldencoastgolfcarts.com/rentals
- Moke America Saint Simons
- www.mokeamericasaintsimons.com
Rehearsal Dinner Locations
- Georgia Sea Grill, Dining and Events, St. Simons Island
- www.georgiaseagrill.com
- Del Sur Artisan Eats Restaurant - Saint Simons Island, GA
- www.delsursaintsimons.com
- Coastal Kitchen | Saint Simons Island | Best Seafood
- www.coastalkitchenssi.com
- Halyards - Halyards Restaurant
- www.halyardsrestaurant.com
- Bennie's Red Barn in St Simons Island, Ga
- www.benniesredbarn.com
Event Insurance
- Wedding Liability & Venue Insurance | Travelers Insurance
- www.travelers.com/event-insurance/wedding
- Event Insurance - Instant Online Quote - No Deductible
- www.eventsured.com
- Event Insurance - $50 Start - Event Insurance Gold Standard by RVNA
- www.specialeventinsurance.com